April 2, 2009


Sarah and I are taking on the leadership of Empire Youth in Kings. We're so excited about working with our teenagers during the next huge season of Kings, which kicks off on April 17th with the launch of Kings One.

Artie Shepherd and his wife Alana led Empire Youth & Young Adults brilliantly over the past 18 months. Thanks to their work, Sarah and I have the privilege of taking on a strong, passionate youth ministry with a gun leadership team who are sharp, switched on and ready to do anything!

I am convinced that teenagers are not the church of tomorrow, they are the church of today. The Bible illustrates constantly that God goes looking for young people when He wants to change a nation, and our prayer is that he would look no further than the teenagers of Kings.

Exciting times ahead!


Chad said...

Go Hard Buddy! Looking forward to hearin all about it

James Macpherson said...

You'll do brilliantly Dustan. Go for it!