July 28, 2008

Attributes of Great Employees cont.

Titus 2:9-10
"Exhort bondservants to be obedient to their own masters, to be well pleasing in all things, not answering back, not pilfering, but showing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things."

1. Great employees understand servanthood and subjection

2. Great employees understand the heart of their master

3. Great employees create a good atmosphere

4. Great employees understand that all things matter

5. Great employees understand unified leadership
"...not answering back..."

There are few things more frustrating than hearing an employee gripe about their boss in earshot (or directly to) their customers. Instantly your trust in the product and company management is diminished and the service experience soured.

The Greek word used for 'answering back' is antilegō, meaning 'to speak against, contradict, to declare oneself against'. If an organisation's own employees are against it, on what grounds should I place faith in the organisation?

Great employees recognise that every person within the organisation is a leader in the eyes of outsiders.

6. Great employees commit themselves to faithfulness
"...showing all good fidelity"

Faithfulness is a most attractive characteristic. Even the person with least natural ability can become a valuable team member if they commit to faithfulness.

It's interesting that Paul notes that our fidelity ought to be 'good', meaning 'useful, pleasant, joyful, happy, excellent and honourable'. To faithfully check in to work with a bad attitude and negative vibe is no blessing to any employer. Fidelity is only beneficial when flavoured with joy, excellence and honour.

7. Great employees see the greater purpose
"...that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things."

The doctrines of Christianity are made attractive or abhorrent according to the way we conduct ourselves at work. Despite what we may believe, the Christian faith is not beautified by our sharp and savvy Sunday services. In Paul's opinion, the doctrines of God and salvation are adorned, or embellished with honour, by the way we conduct ourselves in the day to day matters of life.

The most attractive advertisement for Christianity is it's pragmatic demonstration in our workplaces by our work habits.

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