August 5, 2008


Have you noticed that when you walk into the elaborate homes of many highly successful people you will see an office or study with a large bookcase against the wall, packed with hundreds of books.

Do you think they became successful, and then decided to buy some books with the money?


Anonymous said...

why would they do that?

- Jason

Anonymous said...

i agree. why? I mean, i hate books. they're boring. and if you've got heaps of money ... wouldn't you spend it on cool stuff like x-box and stuff?

hey ... does anyone know what's happening at empire youth next weekend????


Anonymous said...

i agree tash. i'd get an xbox over a book anytime. you don't have to read an x box. but you have to read a book and that makes it a dud purchase.

Reuben Skewes said...

they have been reading books from the beginning of time.
successful people read.
you should see my office. it is full of leather-bound books and smells of rich mahogany

Anonymous said...

hmmm. it is evident that the intelligence of my readership is above average. is it really true that water finds its own level?

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Are you all really serious about the x-box? Two options would arise from Dustan's premise: (1) Successful people read and thus this has contributed to their success. Hence, the books are indicative of their thought and life patterns; or (2) Successful people really like books, even though some people like xboxes better. Which do you think Dustan meant? For the xbox players, this is a rhetorical question. That is, a question which does not demand a response because the response is inate in the question